Published in Proceedings of Gökova Geometry-Topology Conference 2013
Title On the construction of the sutured Floer complex
Authors Akram S. Alishahi and Eaman Eftekhary
We review the recent construction and basic properties of a refinement of sutured Floer homology given by the authors in [1], defined for weakly balanced sutured manifolds (X, τ), and provide calculations that illustrate the differences from the original construction by Juhasz [9]. For any weakly balanced sutured manifold (X,τ) we construct an algebra Aτ associated to its boundary and introduce a chain complex CF(X,τ) with coefficients in Aτ. The filtered chain homotopy type of CF(X,τ) is an invariant of the sutured manifold (X,τ). In this paper we review some of the results from [1], on which the second author spoke at 2013 Gökova Geometry/Topology Conference.
Keywords Sutured manifold, Heegaard diagram, sutured Floer chain complex
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Last updated: February 2015
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