Published in Proceedings of Gökova Geometry-Topology Conference 2014
Title Floer homology and Lagrangian concordance
Authors Baptiste Chantraine, Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell, Paolo Ghiggini, and Roman Golovko
We derive constraints on Lagrangian concordances from Legendrian submanifolds of the standard contact sphere admitting exact Lagrangian fillings. More precisely, we show that such a concordance induces an isomorphism on the level of bilinearised Legendrian contact cohomology. This is used to prove the existence of non-invertible exact Lagrangian concordances in all dimensions. In addition, using a result of Eliashberg-Polterovich, we completely classify exact Lagrangian concordances from the Legendrian unknot to itself in the tight contact-three sphere: every such concordance is the trace of a Legendrian isotopy. We also discuss a high dimensional topological result related to this classification.
Keywords Lagrangian concordance, Floer homology, Legendrian unknot, non-symmetry
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Last updated: April 2016
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