Published in Proceedings of Gökova Geometry-Topology Conference 2014
Title The space of paths in complex projective space with real boundary conditions
Authors Nancy Hingston and Alexandru Oancea
We compute the homology of the space of paths in ℂPn with endpoints in ℝPn, n ≥ 1 and its algebra structure with respect to the Pontryagin-Chas-Sullivan product with ℤ/2-coefficients. In the orientable case (n odd) we also compute its integral homology. Our method combines Morse theory with geometry and yields and explicit description of cycles representing all homology classes.
Keywords Path space, loop space, projective space, Fubini-Study metric, Pontryagin product, Chas-Sullivan product, Morse theory, perfect Morse-Bott function, completing manifold
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Last updated: April 2016
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